Thursday, June 24, 2010

Object Oriented Life..!!!

Life is full of options these days..whatever it be..
We have options..BJP or Congress ???
Wipro bus or APSRTC ???
Flat or PG ???
Cook food or call Dominoz ??? If not Instant MAGGI :) hehe
Aerobics or yoga..???
(Ritz ad says we dont have an option in Cars other than them.. good for Ritz)
so was juggling with some career options.. and found it was pure C++..!!!We all inherit some readymade goals from our parents/society..goals which will guarantee u a succesfulimage even if u are not..!!!just like how instant sambhar powder gives u sambhar with a taste not exactly uwanted and u can claim that u made sambhar or u had sambhar for lunch.. no onecares about how was the sambhar ( Data abstraction ??? )so point is readymade goals..For most of us this can be as follows..
Study well in school..Score well in maths..score above 80/85/90 ( Level1/Level2/Level3) in board exams..Crack entrances and be in a good engineering college..Get placed with some tier 1 company..after 2 years write all Bschool entrances.. Get into some top level Bschool..Get placed in some bada company as a manager.. if u are not getting to a bschool , earn a lot of money as an engineer.. Glad to meet u Mr.Successs …!!!who ever does this is socially accepted as succesful eventhough ur dream was to be a writer and u hate IT.. You eventually end up as a “role model” for ur younger cousins for how to be “Succesfull”… and these days i am realizing tht i am not soo happy with this“readymade goal” system.. problem is i am always looking outside.. if i am doing well as my peers i am happy and if I am doing bad and my peers also doing bad , even then I am Ok..means i am having same Okness inspite of what my performance is.. all tht work is theory of relativity..!!!I have seen ppl so happy and talented and working smart. One fine day they become so unhappyand frustrated saying he/she is a loser.. and if u ask the reason nothing changed for the person.. but something changed for others around the person.. happens to me also.. its not jealousy.. just a side effect of ”Readymade goals”.. We donno what we actually wantin life.. We are doing things as Others do and pretending to be happy bcoz others think u are succesful.. and we are just copying or inheriting goals which ensures ”success” becoz some otherX,Y or Z was called succesful following these steps and may be that X,Y, or Z inherited those stepsfrom some other P,Q or R for the same reason..and when one day u see urself ”less succesful” thanur peers it hurts and u start calling urself a loser and others also start calling u a loser bcoz u urself says so.So how come this goals object oriented..
Virtual Goal functions.. we inherit them from base ( Society/Family )we have two options.. override it.. or use the sameone we got from society.some smart and brilliant ppl override them to suit their own goals and dreams and start working forthem. so all time they know what they want and what they have to do and what difference their actions make in their life..they are happy and most importantly they wont compare them with otherss.. they have their own goals and they are working on it.I have a friend who stoped engineering studies as he was so passionate about stock trading.. and today he is succesfully running a Finance company in bangalore.. I know another friend who quit his job for another job which pays half of his previous salary and he says he is happy bcoz he is learning his fav field AeroModelling ( or something like tht..) and Today i got a Fwd which said abt a young girl from kerala who is the youngest CEO in the world ( ) and here I am thinking about them as “Lucky ppl”.and majority on the other side ( In India its always safe to be with the majority ) dont override them and will keep on getting socially defined “Return Values” and starts complaining that “life is boring”@ the age of 25..!!!Lets hope for a tomorrow where all inherited “functions” are declared pure virtual functions so that a next generation can override all of them so as to help to achieve their dream and passion.
If someone want to ask me why i am not overriding my functions today instead of wishing tomorrow’s kids success.. come on.. i am 25 years old.. and its tooooo old for a change.. hehe

--Life is a Do it yourself project !!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Being In Twenties - Really a 20-20 :)

It is when you stop going along with the crowd and start realizing that there are many things about yourself that you didn't know and may not like. You start feeling insecure and wonder where you will be in a year or two, but then get scared because you barely know where you are now.
You start realizing that people are selfish and that, maybe, those friends that you thought you were so close to aren't exactly the greatest people you have ever met, and the people you have lost touch with are some of the most important ones. What you don't recognize is that they are realizing that too, and aren't really cold, catty, mean or insincere, but that they are as confused as you.
You look at your job... and it is not even close to what you thought you would be doing, or maybe you are looking for a job and realizing that you are going to have to start at the bottom and that scares you.
Your opinions have gotten stronger. You see what others are doing and find yourself judging more than usual because suddenly you realize that you have certain boundaries in your life and are constantly adding things to your list of what is acceptable and what isn't. One minute, you are insecure and then the next, secure.
You laugh and cry with the greatest force of your life. You feel alone and scared and confused. Suddenly, change is the enemy and you try and cling on to the past with dear life, but soon realize that the past is drifting further and further away, and there is nothing to do but stay where you are or move forward.
You get your heart broken and wonder how someone you loved could do such damage to you. Or you lie in bed and wonder why you can't meet anyone decent enough that you want to get to know better. Or maybe you love someone but love someone else too and cannot figure out why you're doing this because you know that you aren't a bad person. One night stands and random hook ups start to look cheap. Getting wasted and acting like an idiot starts to look pathetic. You go through the same emotions and questions over and over, and talk with your friends about the same topics because you cannot seem to make a decision. You worry about loans, money, the future and making a life for yourself... and while winning the race would be great, right now you'd just like to be a contender!

What you may not realize is that every one reading this relates to it. We are in our best of times and our worst of times, trying as hard as we can to figure this whole thing out. Send this to your twenty-something friends... maybe it will help someone feel like they aren't alone in their state of confusion...

We call it the "Quarter-life Crisis."

..........................HEART DETERMINES WHO STAYS )))

-With Luv

Monday, October 26, 2009

Waiting for the END "21st December 2012"

Before Moving to the Title :)
Recently i watched ‘Wanted’ it was a complete timepass masala movie i really liked it , actually i enjoyed the movie because i didnt used my brains at all while watching it, though Salman Khan is one of my favourite actor this was the first Ayesha Takia movie that i watched on the big screen.Hey wait !!! before you guys think that this is a movie review of ‘Wanted’ i would like to inform you that its not, its about a teaser of the soon to be release hollywood movie ‘2012′ that i saw during the interval.
The day 21st december 2012, when the world’s longest kept calender will end, a prophecy by the ‘Mayan’ civilization, i dont know how the movie will be but the trailor was really very impressive and quite disturbing aswell , it was like the Christ Rediemer breaking into pieces, the huge dome of the Vatican Church falling down crushing many people , huge and massive waves over the New York city, Asteroids in the form of fireballs falling from the sky, Oh God !!! it was horrifying ! I wonder if the prophecy comes true will the world end in such an ugly manner ? afterall its just a film and its a result of the filmakers wild imagination, but according to the current scenario around the world i dont think that if the world will end someday it will be because of this natural calamities but because of a World War , the reason ? ? ? because there is no peace around the world at all , every other country is fighting for something, many innocent people being killed for no reason, there might come a day when there will be nuclear bombings all over yes it might happen, but let us wait till 21 december 2012 to witness the reality…….Eagerly waiting to watch the movie ‘2012 ‘ which i think will be the costliest film evermade, i heard the films budget is of 2000 crores (indian currency).
Babre..Can we Imagine :) Lets wait for that Day ..If it really happens..We are helpless..No Blogging nothing :):):)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Auto Journey towards "SuryaBakery"

Hello Viewers,

Nothing Special about this blog,after reading this, u will come to know How this "Surya bakery"has come into picture.

We(three) friends started of to bangalore, day I dont remember the exact date,but in the month of july2009 from three locations just like a gettogether.One guy from Tamilnadu(Salem),other from the North Coastal Andhra(Vizianagaram) and Myself from Hyderabad,Almost 1000kms journey,finally managed to meet at Majestic Bangalore Station at arnd 10 Am.Met after a long time na( hi hello laughs.. haha etc).Ate Idly Wada SetDosa (Generally Hunger doesnt know the taste) really true.

We hadnt planned nothing what to do on the day,may be like after meeting we can(like watching movie,or going to an restaurent) because we had the bus at 9:30 Pm to are destinations.

Now the real story starts... will take few more lines to read the junk conversation and then to the actual Title.

One among us started saying that we need to deliver a Luggage(haha) to a place called (VidyaranyaPura,DoddaBommaSandra) :):).Ofcourse no body knows the place,took the prepaid taxi,paid 120Rs thought of like we will be back to majestic for lunch at around 12:30PM.Started of in the auto,after so much of chitchat almost 40 mins,we are still on the way to the Dest place,Even the Autowala doesnt know the area.Hours passed.Finally reached the place "SuryaBakery" in that locality VidyaranyaPura,now its time to search the house number.Roamed like anything,feet started warming,Milky Faces turned to Red :):)(kidding).Many Fone calls to House Aunty.The caption Highlighted here " Where ever U go,Surya Bakery Follows"(Sorry Hutch Ad CopyRighted).In around we rounded the bakery many times,still unmanaged the house adress.Finally at arnd 12:30Pm we found the way to go.Thirsty mouth waited for water,Handed the items to the destination.Stayed there for 20 mins.Next back to our way,A big hai,thanks to Surya Bakery Owner.

There after moved to Bangalore Central,had some food,shopping,chatted and finally the time to Disperse.Planned nothing,we met,still managed to spend the whole time,realised that Auto is the way.It was a good time for us,Njoyed the day,waiting for the next meet,this time where???

Lets wait and see the next blog.

"Chadire Chadi..Kaise Gale mein Padi...."

With Luv,


Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Beautiful Young Lady...

When I was in my 4rth,I remember the day on which i got a nice scolding from my mother.That was the day i know,when i came to home as usually after playing with my friends and to my surprise i saw my mother in so furious mood.Becuase always my mother will be in jovial mood and she receives me with a smile.I went and crawled my hands around my mother and she was asking me,”why din’t you tell this matter to me yaaarr?”.I wondered what was that because i usually share everything with my mom.
She told that my class teacher have come to my home that evening to give feedback about me.As my school is beside my colony,every week the respective class teachers will come and give feed back about the students.I thought may be my teacher might have given feedback about my grade in my class,but nothing is so special.My results are normal like always.
Then she started asking ,”Did you see any new woman dressed in white saree in your school?And i said “ya”.Then i guessed what my teacher would have told my mom,it is none other than, that beautiful young lady.Yes that lady whom i have seen in my school the previous day.
That day as usual i was sitting in school corridor and doing my work when suddenly i saw a beautiful young lady dressed elegantly in white saree passed through our school ground.Everyone were looking her as she seemed to be too beautiful.But to our surprise she was not walking on ground,she was going straightly as if her legs are scrolling on some tracks and something very interested happened at that moment.
When she was passing we could all observe that the colors of the saree which she tied were changing from white to pink and then to blue,then green and what not.We could see rainbow colors on her saree.As i was not in a age to judge what was happening,i remained silent.All my school mates along with my teachers and sisters were in surprise .
That week end all the teachers came to colony to say this to every parent and to warn the parents to be careful and not to send their children out as there were ghosts roaming in the place.
Till now i cannot believe that the beautiful young lady whom i have seen in my school is a ghost.My goodness !!!After that when i sat and thought about that incident i feel what might have happened if i have gone near her and asked “Aunty,How come the colours of your saree are changing strangely?” Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi.Can’t even imagine know.
This is the reason why i got nice scolding from my mother for not telling this matter to her ,as she might be little careful in sending me out to play.
Nice interesting thing know.

frnds...What do u say?? Is that the girl a ghost..If so Do u believe? :)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Chill...Pill :)

What would Happen if you Get Something that would Help you to Forget everything about the Past and let you Enjoy the Present , Looks Interesting and exciting , Isn’t It .. ??I was reading in Brunch the other day that Scientists are Developing a Medicine which will help you to Forget your Past Memories.I Personally feel that this is Great ,because as it is I am not Blessed with a very Strong Memory,I as it is forget most of the things,and every Day is a New Day to me with Fresh Mood and Fresh Thoughts,But tend to remember some things which i would like to forget too ,so that Medicine will really be Helpful.This will be Helpful for those People who go in Trauma because of the Bitter Memories they have in their Past.Some say that this will be Bad because every Bad Experience teaches you something Good in Life and hence Gives you Strength.Now this is Funny according to Me ,If a Person has to Wait for a Bad Experience to Gain Some Strength ,(s)he would not be able to Enjoy the Life to Fullest,because Believe Me or Not ,Every Bad Incident Leaves a Dark Patch ,No Matter how Strong a Person Immitate to be.They say they can Live their Past remembering about their Experience be it Good or Bad,I would say what’s the need ,Y dont you live Your Present .. ?? .. They said everytime they face a Bad Moment ,They develop the Immunity to face it ,So If they forget their Experiences ,They will also Loose the Immunity to overcome the depression , this is a Invalid Point according to me .I Once read somewhere, ” A very Surprising / Funny Fact about the Mankind is that they Loose their Health to make Money and then loose their Money to restore their Health.By thinking anxiously about the Future,they forget about their Present,Such that,they live neither their Present nor their Future.They live as If they’d Never Die and Die as if they’ve Never Lived” .. So, this medicine will really help all of us to live and enjoy Our Present.I am not sure what will be the name of that Medicine,But definately according to me its a Very Great Idea. What do you Guys think about it ,Is it Good or Bad .. ??

Friday, April 17, 2009

Decision Dilemma :)

" Hope You too faced these while taking Decisions "

It’s funny how our career takes different and totally ‘unthought-of ’directions.

Nine years ago when I was in 12th, I had hardly pictured myself in a career I am in today.It does not mean I am unhappy where I am now but definitely it was not actually planned.I am definitely not the person who can answer ‘where do you see yourself 9 years from now?’question confidently, because yes it depends on our decisions but according to me there are a lot of other factors involved which are not under our control.
As I look back now, there had been many compromises and surprises which changed the trackof my career. Initially I had decided to go into medicines(Rajkumar MBBS). I had to appear for an entrance exam for the same which I dont know at that time like which entrance I need to take for what.Finally thought of to plan my drop and to become an engineer,and I didn’t feel quite excited about getting into any branch of engineering other than civil or computers,I thought of these are the onlytwo branches of engineering... :) hehe dont laugh at me :):).Even that plan dropped,so I rather settled up for a Non technical Degree. I think it was my first compromise,I could have waited taken a drop and reappeared for the exam and finally got into Engineering.I don’t know what made me change my mind and take up an Ordinary instead. I completed my graduation in chemistry and like other college Kids,Surprisingly I moved to computers in my PostGraduation Degree MCA. I thoroughly enjoyed my college life without a trace of guilt for not pursuing my career in Engineering.
While in college I had never really given a thought to what I was going to do after college,came out for a project in Hyderabad,done with the final exams with good score.After that the real life started with the hot summer strokes :).We have once good song in Telugu
"Saapatu yetu ledu paataina paadu brother"
After a long waiting of 10 months for a job,finally managed to get into into Wipro and that changed everything again.To be honest I was utterly surprised when the exam results were announced. That time I was feeling euphoric about getting placed in a good company and didn’t thinktwice to join as a tester wher I missed for the learned things. It was the second time when I missed opportunity of shaping my career in my own way and happily left everything to destiny. I worked on my programming skills while waiting for joining date. And when I got the mail regarding my joining date… I learned that I was put into testing services and I must accept that again changed the picture which I had initially thought of. I don’t say I was totally helplessbut it was a time when I was ready to take the experience, it was my decision to go ahead and I was the one responsible for whatever way things might have turned out. I joined testing,working for telecom domain, learned new things, all in all it was a nice experience. Its already 3 years of jouney.I feel sometimes, now that IT has got into so much trouble, may be if at all I was in a Public Sector and not in Private ; I would have been in a better situation.But who knows,every decision has a different future associated with it. The most difficult part is there is no way to know how things would have turned out if decisions were taken otherwise. We make hundreds of decisions everyday and however small they are, they do affect our future. The decision we take changes the course of our life and it is not always possible to go back and make a fresh start.

-->It is an everyday gamble and definitely luck has its significant role in it. The only thing in our hand is to learn to cope up with the unpredictability of life and make the best of what we have.<-- Lets see how it materializes..As Some one said Life is a DO-IT yourself project

"jindagi jeene keliye...Saari Duniya Mere liye"